Sunday, August 23, 2015

The Reliability of the Bible

It can be demonstrated that the Bible is a reliable ancient source that can be trusted to speak of history and events from the time it was written. But why? In this short presentation, I present reasons why examining the reliability of the Bible is important and then cover the trustworthiness of both the Old and New Testaments. You will find the outline for the video below so you can follow along. Video length is 23:21.

1. Why is this important?
     A. to demonstrate that the Bible can be intellectually reliable
          i. for non-Christians
          ii. for Christians dealing with doubt
     B. to act as a complementary confirmation to the Holy Spirit's witness of the truth of the Bible
     C. to show that the Bible is the measuring stick for all other views
          i. if this is God's words to us, it is 100% true because He is perfect and cannot lie
          ii. Bible teachers, writing pastors, other worldviews, etc. must then be evaluated from the truth of the Bible

2. The Old Testament
     A. few manuscripts because they were ceremoniously buried
     B. explicitly detailed scribal tradition
     C. Jesus confirmed the Old Testament in a number of ways
          i. John 10:35 "If He called them gods to whom the Word of God came-and scripture cannot be broken..."

3. The New Testament
     A. Reliable Translation
     B. Reliable Transmission
          i. 99% agreement in known manuscripts
                a. 5800 Greek copies
                b. 19000 in other languages
          ii. very short time b/w originals and copies
                a. earliest about 100 years
          iii. 1% disagreement in manuscripts inconsequential
     C. Reliable Testimony
          i. unflattering portrayals of Jesus
                a. Mark 13:32 "But concerning that day or that hour, no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.
          ii. witnesses to the life, death and resurrection of Christ were still alive when many books of the New Testament were written
                a. could have been discredited easily if not true

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