Thursday, May 5, 2016

Wednesday Night Apologetics: Lesson 5

We are going to cover steps 4&5 in this lesson. Step 4 is: If God exists, then miracles are possible. An all-powerful God who created and is sustaining the universe can certainly do miracles. Unwarranted skepticism concerning miracles still exists however. How do we combat this? Dr. Craig S. Keener will demonstrate the fallaciousness of the common anti-miracle arguments and give an abundance of examples of documented miracles in the present time.

Step 5 then discusses what God can do with miracles. Miracles can be used to confirm a message from God. This is evidenced in the Bible in many places.

Moses is given signs to perform to show the Israelites and Pharaoh God had sent him. (Exodus 4:1-9)
Elijah defeats the prophets of Baal by a sign from God so that Israel will turn back to Him. (1 Kings 18:36-39)
Jesus told John the Baptist to look at the signs He was doing to demonstrate that He was the messiah. (Matthew 11:2-6)
Jesus also told the Pharisees they would be given one sign; the sign of Jonah (His resurrection) to prove who He was. (Matthew 16:1-4)

Next week we move on to steps 6 (The New Testament is historically reliable.) and 7 (The New Testament says that Jesus claimed to be God.).

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