Thursday, August 24, 2017

God's all-encomapssing grace

Have you ever stopped to think how expansive God's grace is in your life? It is because of His grace that you are saved and in the Kingdom of God. That is how His grace is most often referenced. But, it is much more than that, though salvation is certainly the centerpiece. His grace is foundational. Grace means giving something you don't deserve. God allows us to live by giving us breath moment to moment (Job 33:4). God extends His common grace to believer and unbeliever alike through the regular functioning of the earth (Acts 14:17). These, among many other things, are all brought about by God due to His overflowing grace.
In His eternal state, before creation, God was perfect (as He is now) and needed nothing. He didn't (and doesn't) need sustenance or medical care, material goods to survive, or a creation to act in. He didn't (and doesn't) need creatures to love and be loved back. Because God is a Trinity in His essential nature consisting of three persons in one essence, there was eternal intra-trinitarian love between the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit (John 3:35; 5:20). This means that the mere act of creation, vast and impressive as it is, wasn't necessary on God's part and was an immense act of His all-encompassing grace. None of us would even be here if not for an act (creation) of God's grace. That is how foundational God's grace is.

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